
Photos and words by brand ambassador, Grafton Pannell.

Adventure - an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. At least that is how google defines the word. However, I’d argue that adventure is a mindset, an attitude. I've had my fair share of "typically hazardous" excursions and embarked on backcountry treks that most might not want to take on, but I still think that to be a real "adventurer" you need find that same spirit in the more mundane things about life. 

Mundane - lacking interest or excitement; dull. Quite the opposite of the definition google gives for adventure. Driving to work is mundane. Hell, work is mundane for a lot of us. So, how can we make any of those things adventurous? Drive a new way to work each day, ride your bike to work instead of driving, talk to your barista for once, order something different, etc. I am often asked how I find time to do fun things after getting married and having a son. The answer is (aside from my wife being amazing), I prioritize a spirit of adventure in all that I do. 

Spokane (the city I live in) was recently ranked as the city with the 4th most depressing winter. Grey skies, the sun going down at 3:58 in December, and constant snow make for a city deficient of Vitamin D. As you read in my last blog post I chose to combat this with a fatbike. This fatbike has been awesome. my friend Sean and I have gone on some awesome rides this winter and discovered the new challenge that riding through snow brings to cycling. Hopping on your bike when its single digit temperatures outside doesn't always sound like the most exciting thing, but once you do and you start pedaling it’s hard not to smile. 

For as long as I can remember some of my favorite winter adventures have been ski trips. This winter we took a trip out to Leavenworth, Washington and skied Stevens Pass for a few days. Though I still absolutely love skiing, cycling has grown on me immensely. I find so much joy in even a short ride! That said, this winter has been far from depressing. I'd encourage everyone to join in and spend more time outside during the winter months! Weather is just weather after all. 

All this said, here are some photos of a very "mundane" midday adventure.  Taking a short, one hour ride on your lunch break is a great way to bring some Vitamin D your way.  Here are some photos of bikes to add some artificial Vitamin D into your life. I write these to inspire you to get out there, we all know being bored sucks so why be content with that.